Partners, and the tools you need to leverage them.

You wouldn't buy a farm that didn't come with the dirt to farm... Why would you buy a PRM that didn't include partners? Partnerhub® is the place where digital agencies and tech solutions find one another, align, and grow together.


Partner Matchmaking

From day 1, you are matched with partners who sell to the same customer profile.

Partner Management

Referral tracking, tasking, documents, projects, contract creation... Add your partners.

Partner Directory

Display your partners on a subdomain or your website to refer more new business.

You’ll be in good company

"We believe they are on to something big..."

"We believe they are on to something big... “My role on the Investment team at Hawke Ventures is to perform diligence on our portfolio and prospective companies analyzing financial performance, user commitment, team, and market size, amongst other factors. After interviewing a number of Partnerhub users, we believe they are on to something big and we are supremely confident in our decision to invest.”

profile picture
Hawke Ventures
Analyst, Hawke Ventures at Mara Chaben

Grow your agency or SaaS with partnerships!

Partnerhub® is the only platform of it's kind - purpose-built for matchmaking and activating partnerships between SaaS and Digital Agencies.

Search and receive requests

Our algorithm correctly matches partners by 5 customer profile signals, displays those suggestions for either user to send the request. Users can also shop the marketplace, post opportunities for segments of the ecosystem, and add their own partners.

Activate and enable partners

All the automations and assets in the world won't help you activate and enable your partners if you're having to chase them around Slack and email... Start by being in the same place. Now, let Partnerhub® make sure you are top of mind for your new partners.

Create your free account

Find and manage your partnerships in one place...

Everything, and every partner, you need to take partnerships-led growth to the next level.


Partnerhub surfaces new partnerships for you based on overlapping customer profile.


Review target customer/user size, vertical, use case, partnership opportunity... then choose.


The ability to serve potential partners opportunities regularly and they will request partnership.


See the track ahead, then deploy partnerships, create tasks, chat, share documents, referrals...


Your partners see the track to success. And you both are able to push the partnership forward.


Connect CRMs, Slack, and other tools to bring partner operations into your current workflows.


Publish a directory of your partners to a subdomain - managed through your Partnerhub® account.


Does your product support a large "ecosystem" of hundreds or thousands of partners? You may need the Framework...

Trusted by global organizations

Trusted by over 400 top SaaS and 2,000 top digital agencies

We worked hard to build a true ecosystem management platform.

99.99% uptime

For Partnerhub®, with zero maintenance downtime

5K+ Partnerships

Formed using Partnerhub® in the last year.

100+ countries

Have used Partnerhub® to create functional websites

$50+ Million

In new pipeline generated through Partnerhub®.

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Frequently asked questions

The guarantee clause reads: 

  • + 20 connections made in the hub.
  • + We technically have the full 12 months to provide those partners, but we can usually find your partners in the first few months.

Here are the stipulations for our 20-partner guarantee: 

  1. - You must be on a Pro *Annual account.
  2. - Your company must discuss this with us before upgrading. We only have bandwidth for 10 of these partner guarantee accounts at one time. Grab a time to discuss if this is right for your organization:

Create your free account today!

*All companies must go through a short review process before you can be included in Partnerhub®.

Apply now