We're now ready to enable custom Partner Experience Platforms!

The PXP Framework!

    ✓  The first Partner Experience Platform (PXP) Framework to empower and expand your own partnerships ecosystem! Use cases for this amazing technology:

    ✓   Venture Capital studios, Incubators, and startup hubs.

    ✓  Large ecosystems of partners wanting to connect with each other.

    ✓  Hight-affinity startup or agency communities.

    ✓  Organizations with members wanting to partners.

Bring your ecosystem together

Finally, an actual ecosystem enablement solution built to provide your partners with true value for their business growth.

  • Connected to the main marketplace with single sign-on.
  • All PRM features including a Partner Directory.
  • Connected Slack bridge for easy communication.

Provides partners with everything they need to find and manage their own partnerships from inside your ecosystem as well as ours.

Complete backend user management & reporting

Not even HubSpot or Shopify know who's partnering with whom inside their ecosystem.

  • Bulk import & export
  • User connection insights
  • Accept, deny, remove organizations
  • Completely secure and compliant

Complete ecosystem management.

The Framework is not another PRM. It's an ecosystem in a box. Your partners are free to connect with one another, and Partnerhub® users can find your Framework in the marketplace. As we grow our open marketplace, your program is put in front of new potential partners who can connect with your instantly. And, as super admin, you have full control over everything.

Report on your entire ecosystem

Who are your partners partnering with? What are they to you? How is this impacting growth?


The Framework can scale. Use it to enable your partner ecosystem, regardless of size.

Connected to your team Slack

Allow your partners to start Slack channels in one click with any other users from right on their profile inside your hub. This feature is proven to increase  partner success. 


Your partner profiles, matching criteria, and custom branding so you can operate a valuable customized partner hub.

The Framework's cost


Great for companies with a growing ecosystem.

Interested? Let's discuss
  • Super-admin dashboard
  • Partner marketplace
  • Custom Branding
  • 60,000 database entries
  • API access
  • 24/7 Chat Support
  • Secure private server
  • Reporting
  • Custom profiles
  • Developer tools 

Frequently asked questions

The guarantee clause reads: 

  • + 20 connections made in the hub.
  • + We technically have the full 12 months to provide those partners, but we can usually find your partners in the first few months.

Here are the stipulations for our 20-partner guarantee: 

  1. - You must be on a Pro *Annual account.
  2. - Your company must discuss this with us before upgrading. We only have bandwidth for 10 of these partner guarantee accounts at one time. Grab a time to discuss if this is right for your organization:

Questions? We are happy to schedule a call anytime!

Let's show you around our ecosystem:

Let's schedule a call