
Partnerhub enables your team to keep all partner related documents in one place. You can access documents from partners as well as share documents with partners.

Use the Partners page to view documents uploaded by your team, share those documents with partners, and to view documents your team has saved from partners.

Saving documents from partners

  1. Navigate to the documents tab of a partner's profile
  2. Click on the check box to left of the document name
  3. Click Save

This will save the document to the Partner Assets tab Partners page where you can access all saved documents from partners.


Uploading documents

  1. Go to the Partners page using the left navigation
  2. Click Upload Documents to upload documents from your computer OR click Sync with Google Drive to import documents from a Google Drive account

Sharing Documents

  1. Go to the Partners page using the left navigation
  2. From the Team files tab, click on the check box to the left of the document title
  3. Click Change Access and select the option to make visible to all partners


Video Overview